Auto Injuries and Insurance
The Wellness Institute of Nevada treats many patients injured in auto accidents. The kinetic energy generated from even low-speed accidents can cause microscopic muscle and ligament tears, as well as vertebral misalignments. Proper treatment of these injuries is important not only to relieve immediate pain, but also to prevent future problems from reoccurring.
If your auto insurance policy has Medical Payments (Med Pay) coverage, this coverage will likely cover 100% of your necessary medical treatment (up to the policy limit), no matter who is at fault for the accident. Use of your Med Pay coverage to get proper medical care when you are not at fault for the accident can be done without worrying about your rates going up. Please note that if you have Med Pay coverage through your auto insurance policy, your regular medical insurance provider will generally require the Med Pay coverage to be used/exhausted before it will cover injuries sustained in an automobile accident.
If you are injured in an automobile accident while a passenger in another person’s vehicle, you should obtain that person’s automobile insurance information. If that person has Med Pay coverage, It will cover your medical care (up to the policy limit). Alternatively, it may be possible to have your own Med Pay coverage cover your medical expenses even though your vehicle was not involved in the accident. You should always check with your insurance agent as to your coverage.
If you do not have Med Pay coverage and are in an automobile accident which is not your fault, and medical treatment is required, you should ensure that you obtain the insurance information of the at-fault party. This is called “Third Party Insurance.” Third Party insurers do not accept claims from medical providers. They will only reimburse the claimant (you) directly for medical bills. Thus, in Third Party Insurance cases, the Wellness Institute of Nevada requires payment at the time of service. The only exception to this policy is: If the patient is represented by an experienced personal injury attorney, the Wellness Institute of Nevada may agree, in its sole and absolute discretion, to treat the patient on a “personal injury attorney lien.” If the Wellness Institute of Nevada agrees to a personal injury attorney lien (signed by both the patient and the attorney), the patient will not have to pay for his or her treatment at the time of service. Instead, the final medical bill will be paid directly to the Wellness Institute of Nevada from the patient’s attorney out of the proceeds from the settlement. If requested, the Wellness Institute of Nevada will happily refer you to a professional experienced attorney.